The Quechua people, the aboriginal people of Peru, have a word Shungo, which roughly translates to "the heart and belly." It relates to your physical center as well as the center of your being. Shungo is also a greeting, said to mean,
"From my heart or center to yours."
It is from this place, the heart and center of our being, that the most profound healing can take place. By tuning into your body and intuitive heart, you are led to an awareness of what medicine is needed to ease or release the subtle patterns of constriction and the blocks in your systems—mental, physical, and spiritual. This new awareness can awaken you to your inner truth, and lead you to new discoveries within the Self and your life. You are left with the potential to discover the whole of who you are, your Truth and your Medicine, and find the way back to your center—the heart of your being.
A sacred inclusive space.

The journey through
body, mind & soul
My name is Moira Scullion.
I've been in the healing arts field for over 25 years, with various studies in bodywork (with a focus on abdominal healing), energy and shamanic healing, personal growth, breathwork, spiritual healing, spiritual life coaching, and spiritual ministry. Over the years, I've seen the profound connection and relationship between the mind, spirit, body, and the emotional states carried within. It is the intersection of these fields that is the heart and center of your being, and where the most profound healing takes place.

Why Energy Healing?
It can help with
Clearing Blocks
Clear the blocks that prevent the greater you from showing up.
Be supported in your journey of awakening the Self.
Chronic Conditions
Explore the underlying imbalances behind stubborn or unknown chronic issues.
Stress & Anxiety
Learn tools to help manage the stress of life and understand the shocks that create anxiety.
Release armoring that constrains your vital life force.
Women's Health
Understand the imbalances that contribute to reproductive issues and reconnect with the divine feminine.
”Within my body are all the sacred places of the world,
and the most profound pilgrimage I can ever make is within my own body.”
- attributed to Saraha, eight-centruy Indian yogi
“Everything you judge about yourself served a purpose at the time.”
Dr. Gabor Maté, in the film The Wisdom of Trauma (produced by maurizio and Zaya Benazzo, 2021)
“We know things in the core of our being that we have not necessarily been taught,
and some of this deep knowing may actually be at odds with what our society or religion has tried to teach us.”
-John Philip Newell, Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World (HarperCollins, 2021).
About the work
A healing journey through body, mind, and soul.
It was through working with the belly, specifically, that I came to understand the body to be about more than just bones and muscles. In Peru, the indigenous Quechua people have a word Shungo, which roughly translates to "one’s center—the heart and belly of your being." I’ve found this word’s meaning and concept to be central to my work with the belly and to the spirits, or souls, of my clients.
Combined, Shungo and abdominally centered work helped me to understand the profound connection between the body and its state of well-being; all the energy, emotions, and beliefs it carries; and the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. I saw, and continue to see every day, that they are intrinsically linked: our history, our experiences/memories, live inside of our bodies as personalized stories.
When the story is positive, it expresses itself in our systems—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—as balance, joy, flow, abundance, vitality, health, contentment, and even good luck. When this inner story is about something difficult or overwhelming and unprocessed, it most often gets stuck in our bodies and energy systems and fields as a contraction, and expresses itself in our systems as fear, withdrawal, self-limitation, discomfort, pain, and even disease. Positive and negative stories can also be experienced outside of our bodies—we see them mirrored in our experiences in the world. For example, we may keep running into similarly challenging situations that always seem to trigger us.
It is this trigger, though, that is the arrow that points to the what and where inside of us that needs healing, tending to, and loving care. Experiences that trigger us can become opportunities to look at our imprints—events or circumstances that impacted our well-being—to find those places within us that are ready to unweave themselves while under tender care.
It seems ironic, and can even feel counterintuitive, but here is a truth I have come to know for sure: you can consider a trigger the soul and body’s call for our attention. The wounded place in us is telling us it’s ready to receive healing; it wishes to heal.
This healing work is the work I love. Holding a space of tender care and a space of active collaboration where you and I, our subconscious minds, our spirit allies, and the Divine all work and play and commune together. I have a profound love for this space, this field of collaborative healing where the web of imprinted history is unwoven in order the release the hurt and pain of old stories and wounds so that you can weave a new story—so that you can come back to yourself and love your own being more deeply.
This is where the story changes from you being the wounded soldier or victim, to you being the empowered heroine or hero who is able to write a new story and the way you choose it to be in it.
In the ultimate depth of being,
we find ourselves no longer separate
but, rather, part of the unity of the universe.
That unity includes the sufferer and the suffering,
and the healer and that which heals.
Therefore, all acts of healing are ultimately
our selves healing our Self.
-Ram Dass
Healing work is a journey, not a destination or a task on a checklist. There is no “one stop shop.” Healing is a daily process of awareness and self-care, and we all need support in our healing process. It is not meant to all be done by yourself. Also, healing work is done in layers and phases. While you can do some by yourself, really, the most effective healing is done, and is meant to be done and witnessed, with the love and support of others in community and in relationship.
It is the process of being witnessed, of being held by another in sacred space, that helps us go into the deeper places within our selves and the wounds, to bring them out into the light and be shared with others and held with compassionate hearts. This is just as healing as anything. I love being able to hold this sacred space for others as it has been held for me.
Release old patterns and move through current challenges with greater awareness and empowerment.
Each session changes and varies with the intention you bring into the present moment.
As expressed in shamanic teachings and quantum physics, time and space are collapsible into the present moment. A remote session allows us to connect to the present moment, beyond space and time, and lets us call upon the unseen world, allowing for access to infinite levels of healing energy.​
In these remote sessions, guided into a meditative state, you will enter the healing field and then we'll work with the energy that shows up. This can happen through a silent healing, guided meditation, a supportive somatic journey, or somatic parts work. These sessions can look different every time or experienced similarly. We will talk about your intentions and where you are that day to decide what our process will be.
These sessions are done via Zoom. ​​
In Person
- Healing Through Unconditional Love
- TBA (theme around nurturing and receiving)
- TBA (theme around using the power of our voice)
Join me and my medicine sister, Jean Tindle as we experience the medicine and healing of our Great Mother, Gaia, Pachamama, to empower our hearts, our voices, and our souls. She has unrelenting compassion and the ability to hold us in unconditional love that has the potential to heal our deepest wounds. ​
In these sessions we allow the body to be the doorway into exploring energetic restrictions that are manifesting physically and emotionally. These sessions combine bodywork, spiritual healing, and energy medicine. Modalities include crystals, sound, vibration, plant, and somatic work.
Through abdominal-focused bodywork and energy medicine, we will explore—through the doorway of the abdomen specifically—both the physiological and emotional restrictions involved in emotional holding, digestive and pelvic issues, and scar tissue.
These sessions are in person at my office​
In Person
Maitri Breathwork™ is a transformative process where individuals access non-ordinary states of consciousness through their own breath to allow incomplete experiences to unfold into healing, and to integrate that healing into daily life.
While individual sessions are offered, there is greater potentcy in a group. Organize a Small group session (2-4 people) for you and your friends in your home.

Contact Us
Use the form below to make an appointment or reach out with any questions or comments.
In Person
Monday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm
2024 Hours
Payment accepted
check, cash, credit card, Venmo, PayPal
A Sacred Gender-Inclusive Space.